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Master Resource List
Resource Name | Media Type | Time (min) | Type of Resource | Reason to add/Brief Description |
A Dual Degree From Oxford. A Medical Degree From Harvard. Neither Protected Me From Racism | Audio piece and news article | 5 | Short radio piece | Experience of a Black person in our community (HMS). |
Structural Racism is the Real Pandemic | News article | 5 | Short article discussing racial disparities of covid-19 impact in Boston | Quick, close-to-home reflection on the pandemic's disproportionate impact on Black Boston residents |
Asian Americans Are Still Caught in the Trap of the "Model Minority" Stereotype. And It Creates Inequality for All By Viet Thanh Nguyen | News Article | 15 | Article reflecting on the concept of a "model minority" stereotype and the different types of racism that are associated with different races | Well-written breakdown of the intersection of different types of racism that are experienced by different groups w/in the US; more focused on the Asian American perspective than the African American perspective, but examines the two in parallel. Again, educational RE broader racial dynamics in US |
"America's Racial Contract is Killing Us" by Adam Serwer | News Article | 15 | ||
Who Gets to Be Afraid in America? | News Article | 10 | ||
Gravestone Dedicated to the First Black Female Medical Doctor in the US
Boston Globe | News Article | 6 | ||
How Medical Education Is Missing the Bull's-eye | Academic Article | 5 | Short "Perspective" article in the New England Journal of Medicine (2020) | Questions the standard representation of white and male in medical education. I think this is relevant to projects at Wellman too. |
White Fragility by Robin D'Angelo | Academic Article | 30 | 14-page article that inspired a book of the same name | Tackles issues regarding discomfort and defensiveness in white people while having discussion about race and privilege (~20 min read) |
The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap | Academic Article | 20 | 2017 article outlining income and wealth disparities in American households versus race | Addresses misconceptions including education level and full time vs part time work; worth glancing at for the stark differences in the figures alone, 10-15 min read |
Gender, race and parenthood impact academic productivity during the COVID-19 pandemic: from survey to action | Academic article | 15 | bottom line: Findings revealed that male academics - especially childless ones - were the least affected group, whereas female academics, especially Black women and mothers, were the most impacted group. | |
Too many senior white academics still resist recognizing racism | Academic Article | 5 | Discusses what is an appropriate response to racism and how we should tackle racism. "I call on over-represented people in science who are expressing outrage about racism in broader society to focus the same level of energy on looking inwards, to wake up to how the culture in academic science is exclusionary." | |
The impact of racism on clinician cognition, behavior and clinical decision making | Academic Article | 30 | Research paper with evidence of effects of racism on the quality of healthcare that Black people receive | For us to understand and to discuss with others the real world effects of race-based biases in medicine |
Science reflects history as society influences science: brief history of race, race correction, and the spirometer | Academic Article | 10 | Journal article | Discussion of how society reflects itself in science, through the story of the spirometer |
Superior: The return of race science' by Angela Saini | Book | Book. You can also read one of the summaries/reviews of it here: | History of Scientific Racism and its resurrection in the 21st century - for longer term goals, it might be important to understand how and why certain racist approaches were allowed to continue in scientific research. Also important to understand how scientific research can prop up racism if not held accountable. | |
I've got the light of freedom | Book | It is about the organizing practices and traditions during the early civil rights movement. It talks about grassroots organizing, collective leadership, "strong people don't need strong leaders", letting people become their own decisionmakers, etc. | ||
"Hot Comb" by Ebony Flowers | Book | Comic book | Collection of semi-autobiographical short stories related to the culture around Black womens' hair, addressing standards of beauty and racism. | |
Diversifying STEM: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Race and Gender | Book | Book - essays from Black people in different areas of STEM and their views on current situation in STEM and ideas for the future for researchers, institutions, etc. | For us to learn about the various experiences of Black people and hear their suggestions to bring change in STEM | |
Fatal Invention: How Science, Politics and Big Business re-create race in the 21st century - by Dorothy Roberts | Book | Book | A book that discusses the complexities of race based research and how it is enforced by the systems we have in place | |
Black Man in a White Coat | Book | Memoir by Dr. Damon Tweedy | Discusses the question: Are all physicians and, more importantly, all patients, treated equally?". Topics such as campus tensions being recipient of a diversity scholarship in the south, the treatment of black mothers, and socioeconomic challenges | |
White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo | Book | Book, "best-selling book exploring the counterproductive reactions white people have when their assumptions about race are challenged, and how these reactions maintain racial inequality." from Kizzy's Books | This book is written by a white cisgenered woman who has experience teaching DE&I classes. In the book she speaks directly to white people about how to be anti-racist. She lays out the case for white fragility and the pervasiveness of it. This book is problematic in some ways and has been criticized for speaking down to Black people . | |
How to Be An Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi | Book | " From the National Book Award-winning author of Stamped from the Beginning comes a refreshing approach that will radically reorient America on the urgent issues of race, justice, and equality." From | A personal account of Kendi's navigation through our racist society, his experiences and his proposed solutions through legislation and personal action. His first hand accounts and self reflextions offer a personal and intimate voice on the topic of racism. | |
Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code 1st Edition | Book | This illuminating guide provides conceptual tools for decoding tech promises with sociologically informed skepticism. In doing so, it challenges us to question not only the technologies we are sold but also the ones we ourselves manufacture. | Benjamin argues that automation, far from being a sinister story of racist programmers scheming on the dark web, has the potential to hide, speed up, and deepen discrimination while appearing neutral and even benevolent when compared to the racism of a previous era. Presenting the concept of the �New Jim Code,� she shows how a range of discriminatory designs encode inequity by explicitly amplifying racial hierarchies; by ignoring but thereby replicating social divisions; or by aiming to fix racial bias but ultimately doing quite the opposite. Moreover, she makes a compelling case for race itself as a kind of technology, designed to stratify and sanctify social injustice in the architecture of everyday life. | |
Algorithms of Oppression | Book | A revealing look at how negative biases against women of color are embedded in search engine results and algorithms | In Algorithms of Oppression, Safiya Umoja Noble challenges the idea that search engines like Google offer an equal playing field for all forms of ideas, identities, and activities. Data discrimination is a real social problem; Noble argues that the combination of private interests in promoting certain sites, along with the monopoly status of a relatively small number of Internet search engines, leads to a biased set of search algorithms that privilege whiteness and discriminate against people of color, specifically women of color. | |
The structure of scientific revolutions | Book | Science is practiced under the influence of society, which includes political climate. All research is affected by paradigms that consist of certain assumptions. This book discusses these ideas and more, having us question the "objectivity" of science. | ||
Role of Academia in Combatting Structural Racism in the United States | Educational article | 11 | Guidelines (6-pages) from the Association for Prevention Teaching and Research (APTR) | Description of the problem and call to action from a public health perspective. |
Ten simple rules for building an anti-racist lab | Educational article | 8 | 13-page article in the "Ten Simple Rules" Series published by PLOS Computational Biology | Succinct advice for fostering an anti-racist lab. |
Implicit Bias and Structural Inequity | Educational article | 20 | Article with reflections on the ways implicit bias reinforces structural inequities via normalization of otherness and exclusion | Basis for the need for *structural* change. |
White Academia: Do Better | Educational article | 10 | 10 tangible actions a Black professor at Ohio State encourages white colleagues to take | Suggestions for anyone in academia, from reading to listening to enacting change. |
What Black scientists want from colleagues and their institutions | Educational article | 20 | 15-20 minute read - Nature's interview with Black academic researchers about racism in their institutions and careers. | makes clear that these issues are current and not a thing of the past in scientific institutions and fields. Also lets us know what we can do to be allies and to propel this movement forward. |
White Academia: Do Better | Educational article | 10 | 10 tangible actions a Black professor at Ohio State encourages white colleagues to take | |
"Tips for Creating Effective White Caucus Groups" developed by Craig Elliott | Educational article | 18 | ||
The Performance of Antiracism Curricula
The New England Journal of Medicine | Educational article | 3 | ||
A Dual Degree From Oxford. A Medical Degree From Harvard. Neither Protected Me From Racism | Audio piece and news article | 3 | Short radio piece(3minutes)/ news article | Experience of a Black person in our community (HMS). |
"Seeing White" a series on Season 2 of "Scene On Radio" | Podcast | 520 | Podcast by John Biewen at Duke University Center of Documentary Studies (14 episodes, each 30-40 minutes long) | A comprehensive history of race and racism. Explains how race is a result of racism and not the other way around. Addresses this from our meeting notes: Many Wellmanites are new to the US and aren�t familiar with the history and different aspects of racism in this country
1619 (NYT podcast) | Podcasts | 240 | 6 30-40 minute podcast episodes discuss eras throughout US history & key decisions made that have reinforced structural racism and inequities | |
CodeSwitch (NPR Podcast) | Podcast | "What's CODE SWITCH? It's the fearless conversations about race that you've been waiting for! Hosted by journalists of color, our podcast tackles the subject of race head-on. We explore how it impacts every part of society from politics and pop culture to history, sports and everything in between. This podcast makes ALL OF US part of the conversation because we're all part of the story." From | ||
Small Doses with Amanda Seales | Podcast | 60 | Your favorite truth teller, comedian, Amanda Seales, is dropping gems with, �Small Doses,� a weekly podcast that brings you potent truths for everyday use. | |
The science focus podcast - What part has science played in racism? | Podcast | 30 | BBC podcast | In this episode, Subhadra Das, the curator for University College London Teaching and Research Collections, discusses some of the origins of racism in science |
The 1619 Project from the New York Times | Narrative Article | 5 | ||
Making Anti-Racism A Core Value In Academic Medicine
by J. Nwando Olayiwola, Darrell M. Gray, II, et al. | Narrative Article | 10 | ||
Medical Schools Have Historically Been Wrong on Race
The New York Times | Narrative Article | 7 | ||
Structural Solutions for the Rarest of the Rare � Underrepresented-Minority Faculty in Medical Subspecialties
New England Journal of Medicine | Narrative Article | 14 | ||
The Race Gap: How U.S. systemic racism plays out in Black lives
Reuters | Narrative Article | 25 | interactive presentation | |
Medical schools need to do much more to protect students of color from racism
AAMC | Narrative Article | 8 | ||
The not-so-silent killer missing in medical-training curricula: racism
by Frinny Polanco Walters, Adjoa Anyane-Yeboa & Alden M. Landry
Nature Medicine | Narrative Article | |||
On Racism: A New Standard For Publishing On Racial Health Inequities | Narrative Article | |||
ER doctors: We're no strangers to violence but we try to de-escalate without anyone dying
USA Today | Narrative Article | 5 | ||
Stolen Breaths
New England Journal of Medicine | Narrative Article | 8 | ||
How Racism Creeps into Medicine | Narrative Article | 10 | Short article giving a historical perspective on race-based differences in patient data interpretation | Interesting notes on how race should be considered in the treatment of individual patients and also across medicine; by chalking low lung capacity to an innate racial physiological trait, do we ignore addressable public health issues? (<10 min read) |
Academic medical leaders and learners reflect on police brutality, racism, and the path forward
AAMC | Narrative Article | 20 | ||
The problem with diversity, inclusion and equity | Narrative Article | 15 | Understanding and differentiating between the three words, implementing them in our organizations and institutions | Since these words are used all the time in organizations and institutions, here is a Black professor's perspective. |
Commentary: "Disentangling anti-Blackness from physics" by Charles D. Brown II | Narrative Article | 12 | Commentary article | |
Science Under the Scope - putting science in perspective - a comic | Narrative Article | 15 | A hand drawn comic by a scientist and how she discovered the connections between science and social justice | Just wanted to add this to have a non-conventional presentation of a serious topic in our resource list. FreeRads.Org is a volunteer based organization bringing together scientists and researchers who want to contribute to social justice work. |
The Police Tried to Make Me Medically Examine a Man Against His Will | Narrative Article | 10 | From a Black female MD exposing a(n apparently common) practice of patient rights violation | Powerful ethical breakdown of the intersection of patients' ethical rights, police involvement in emergency healthcare, racial disparity in treatment, and the role of MDs in navigating these situations |
What is Black August? | Narrative Article | 15 | Article about Black August | |
Black August - A celebration of freedom fighters past and present | Narrative Article | 20 | More about Black revolutionaries and significance of Black August | |
"White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack" by Peggy McIntosh | Narrative Article | 18 | ||
"The Intersectionality Wars" by Jane Coaston | Narrative Article | 15 | ||
"The Case for Reparations" by Ta-Nehisi Coates | Narrative Article | 60 | ||
White Coats For Black Lives | Website for organization | Medical student-run organization | ||
Call for a robust anti-racism plan for the geosciences | Organization proposal (google doc) | A geoscientist, Hendratta Ali, has drafted a plan for anti-racism for geosciences | Can serve as a guide for us to create our own plan - we can draft a plan to work on with the wellman/mgh communities | |
Science for the People - Boston Chapter | Website for organization | It's a group that has many chapters around the US. This one is the Boston Chapter. It is a collective of scientists, students, researchers and academics who want to use science to fight against exploitation, discrimination and inequality | In case people want to get involved in other groups in and around Boston. Also, for us to know what else and who else in our communities/localities is doing anti-racist work. | |
Transition Home Project | Website for organization |
Website for project information | A project affiliated with Harvard and the Boston-area that is working to assess the health needs of those leaving incarceration to develop a "post-release navigation toolkit" | |
CMD-IT is the national Center for Minorities and People with Disabilities in Information Technology | Website for organization | Organization with activities/conferences | Their slogan is Fostering Innovation with Inclusion and their mission "Our mission is to ensure that under-represented groups are fully engaged in computing and information technologies, and to promote innovation that enriches, enhances, and enables these communities, such that more equitable and sustainable contributions are possible by all communities." | |
Program for Cultural Competence in Research (PCCR) | Activities | 100 | Harvard Catalyst program that seeks to improve cultural competency in research in the clinical & translational workforce | They offer web-based and in-person trainings for the HMS community |
A Proposal for Harvard Medical School’s Strategic Investment in Health Equity | Activities | 5 | Signable proposal encouraging HMS to give more back to the community | Describes how HMS (as a largely tax-exempt entity) diminishes Boston's ability to raise revenue for community services. And anyone with an HMS affiliation can sign in support! |
Community Conversations: Two Pandemics | Recorded panel discussion | 90 | Virtual panel and Q&A | Members of Harvard SEAS community discussing the push for greater racial justice in parallel with the disparate racial impact of COVID-19, including current and desired progress in Harvard community |
13th (Ava DuVerny) | Movie | 100 | From Justice in June Compilation | |
King in the Wilderness (Peter Kunhardt) | Movie | 110 | From Justice in June Compilation | |
I Am Not Your Negro (Raoul Peck) | Movie | 90 | From Justice in June Compilation | |
Just Mercy (Destin Daniel Cretton) | Movie | 136 | From Justice in June Compilation | |
Pushout - The criminalization of Black girls in school | Movie | 78 | Documentary movie | A deep dive into the lives of Black girls, policies that disrupt their education, their increasing numbers in the juvenile justice system |
Black and Indigenous Storytelling as counter-history | Video | 117 | Recorded Talk/Webinar | Exploration of storytelling, challenges conventional forms of knowledge |
Coded Bias | Movie | 90 | Documentary movie | |
Picture A scientist | Movie | 97 | Documentary movie | |
Culturally Aware Mentorship | Recorded panel discussion | 60 | Virtual panel facilitated by NIH NIGMS | Discussion of "the value of cultural awareness in mentorship," including results from a NASEM report describing difficulties between mentors-mentees in communicating about race-related topics |
The problem with race based medicine | Ted Talk | 14.5 | 15 minute TED talk by Dorothy Roberts on race based medicine | Discusses effects of racial biases on medical decision making. |
Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man | YouTube series | 90 | 10 minute long YouTube videos. Emmanuel Acho, a former NFL linebacker, created a YouTube series about having uncomfortable conversations about race. Is geared towards educating non-black people in America. | An introductory level resource, for people wanting to learn more about racism in America, provided by a Black man. Can be a good resource for parents to show children, or people unfamiliar with racism in America. |
Experiences of Black STEM in the Ivory: A call to disruptive action | Recording of conference/event | 2 day event that brought in students, faculty, staff, deans from some academic institutions to share their views on Racism in STEM | Very useful to hear all these perspectives, especially those from students. It also made the faculty and deans accountable. | |
"How Studying Privilege Systems Can Strengthen Compassion" TED Talk | Ted Talk | 18 | From Justice in June Compilation | |
"Let's Get to the Root of Racial Injustice" TED Talk | Ted Talk | 20 | From Justice in June Compilation | |
"How to Overcome Our Biases? Walk Boldly Towards Them" TED Talk | Ted Talk | 18 | From Justice in June Compilation | |
"How We're Priming Some Kids for College and others for prison" TED Talk | Ted Talk | 16 | From Justice in June Compilation |
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